PSOE 8 Votos (47%)
PP 7 Votos (41%)
IU 5 Votos (29%)
Otros 3 Votos (17%)
Votos emitidos 17. (En esta encuesta se podía votar más de una de las respuestas, por eso los porcentajes no suman 100 ni lo votos 17)
Como se puede apreciar en la encuesta el reparto no es similar al reparto de votos en las últimas elecciones municipales, se ve claramente que la gente que vota en esta web es muy diferente a la que acude a las urnas.
Los resultados en mayo de 2007 fueron

Votos %
PSOE 2083 67,19
PP 706 22,77
IU 271 8,74
Un saludo.
Fdo. Conejo Blanco. O
El ignorante afirma, el sabio duda y reflexiona.
Aristóteles. 384 AC-322 AC. Filósofo griego.
no lo que se ve aki, es a mucho pepero y mucho guadia civil....xo una vez mas gana la izquierda, viva el voto util
ResponderEliminarque izquierdas?
ResponderEliminarpsoe e izquierda unida, son la izquiierda que nunca dejaran que vuelva un partido tan instaurado en el pasado
ResponderEliminarel dia que sepas lo que es la izquierda hablas de ella. acaso sabes tambien lo que es la derecha?
ResponderEliminarA personal injury lawyer
ResponderEliminarhas numerous responsibilities in serving his or her clients. These
responsibilities encompass both professional and ethical rules and
codes of conduct set forth by state bar associations where the lawyers
are licensed. Once licensed to practice law by their state bar
association, lawyers are legally permitted to file legal complaints,
argue cases in state court, draft legal documents, and offer legal
advice to victims of personal injury.
Also referred to as a plaintiff lawyer, a personal injury lawyer is
responsible for interviewing prospective clients and evaluating their
cases to determine the legal matter, identify the distinct issues
rooted within the plaintiff's larger problem, and extensively research
every issue to build a strong case. The ultimate professional
responsibility of a personal injury lawyer is to help plaintiffs
obtain the justice and compensation they deserve for their losses and
suffering through advocacy, oral arguments, client counseling, and
legal advice.
Personal injury lawyers must also adhere to strict standards of legal
ethics when dealing with clients. While the guidelines vary according
to state, the basic codes of conduct state that a lawyer must
knowledgeably evaluate legal matters and exercise competence in any
legal matter undertaken. Moreover, personal injury lawyers owe their
clients a duty of loyalty and confidentiality and must work to protect
their clients' best interests